happy new year
thoughts on 2021
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Quite late - but last year was quite draining and I needed some days off to start in a new year 2021 full of energy. I was wondering, what my first post should be and stumbled upon this old-ass photo and decided to tell its story.

It was a few years back, when my husband and I trailed the Rennsteig (which is a route of 170km) by foot with all needs strapped to our backs. It felt like we had to walk forever, but when I finally hung my run-through shoes to the end-post of the trail it was a positive feeling of pure relieve. I knew then, that I had made it. Maybe this relates to our current situation a bit. I can tell you - the last kilometers were truly the worst, but with a sweet, sweet finish. I am definitely looking forward to having our normal life back - hopefully this summer. Touchy-feely part over and out.
And now directly off to the sales-pitch: Throughout the 5 days of our trail I wore my zero-waste, satin pants (you can not take a lot of garments with you - you know) and it carried me through 170km of trailing, even though it was already 3,5 years old and worn a lot. Forever and always my „everyday pants“.
Happy new year and
Sonnige Grüße
PS: Click on this photo to find my everyday pants.