Berlin Fashion Week Recap

Berlin Fashion Week Recap

From stunning exhibitions to thought-provoking panels, here's a rundown of our Berlin Fashion Week. Panel Discussion: “Change the Rules of Fashion”...

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New York, New York.

New York, New York.

workshops at Parsons the New School supported by DWIH We are excited to share that DWIH New York has graciously invited us to New York to host a wo...

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meet our panelists

meet our panelists

Let's talk about fashion and repair  Viola Wohlgemuth has been a campaigner for resource conservation and the circular economy at Greenpeace for 6 ...

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Jahresrückblick 2023

Jahresrückblick 2023

2023 - let's scale our WasteLessFuture Wir sind dankbar für ein erfolgreiches Jahr und wollten gerne einige Highlights mit euch teilen: Für uns hat...

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“Jewelry is like the perfect spice -- it complements what’s already there.”